
Powerful Live Video Broadcasting Platform

Stream Live to YouTube, Facebook, Twitch and other popular platforms simultaneously using StreamCazt.

News and sports broadcasters

Church and Worship Streaming

Educators and coaches with online courses

Music & Arts

Sporting events streaming

Simulcast and Restream Anywhere

Send your lives streams anywhere with StreamCazt simulcasting. Restream to any service, including Facebook Live, Youtube Live, Twitter/Periscope, Twitch and more. StreamCazt will connect and broadcast to your chosen destinations using our international backbone, ensuring best possible reliability and performance.

Live Advertising

StreamCazt live streaming advertising supports realtime globally synchronized ad breaks, bumpers and pre-roll. Live advertising is can be used to promote your own interests, communicate with your audience or monetize live streaming. No ad server is required as ad videos can be uploaded to the platform. For more complex requirements, VAST tags are also supported, allowing the use of any 3rd party ad server.

Ultra Low Latency

If you need real real-time streaming, StreamCazt is built to make it happen.

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming

Optimize your stream for every viewer according to their connection speeds with adaptive bitrate streaming, and ensure that every viewer has the best experience possible on their network.

Cloud recording

Storing video streams takes up a lot of space. We use the cloud so you never have to count gigabytes.

Embedded player

Your streams are your streams. They don’t belong to any other platform. Because StreamCazt gives you full control, you can embed them anywhere. That way, you can monetize them how you want.

Multiple ingest

StreamCazt can ingest and restream HLS, RTMP, and MPEG-TS streams.

Live Stream Rewind

Users don’t always watch on your schedule, but with StreamCazt's rewind function, they can show up at anytime and start from the beginning. They won’t miss a second. 


Overview of pricing plans.



Advanced video platform
Global network
Simulcasting to other services
Unlimited concurrent viewers



Advanced video platform
Global network
Adaptive multi-rate streaming
Content security
Dynamic playlists
Drag and Drop custom playlists
Subtitles and captions support
Detailed Analytics

Broadcaster Pro


All Standard features
Advanced live streaming
24/7 Live streaming
Unlimited concurrent viewers
Unlimited concurrent streams
Live stream recording
Facebook Live
Youtube Live
Simulcasting to other services
Advertising for live streaming
Advertising for video hosting
Roku channel support
Amazon Fire TV channel support
MRSS feed support
Upload profile

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